Monday 10 August 2015

Bags at the Market

Closet Content Analysis: Market Bags

My Choice: A bag from Madagascar

Choices: Market Bags For Sale. The prices of market bags being sold at the market, particularly in July and August, tend to be pricier than in the off season. Bien sur. That makes sense. 

Photo taken by JoyD at Ste. Foy La Grande Saturday market, Gironde, July, 2015

More Choices: Everyone carries a bag of one kind or another. Some rely on the vendors to give them plastic bags - in the south-west of France it is "poche", not "sac" but most bring their own to carry their purchases. For the most part, you will see bags similar to the one the man in the purple shirt is carrying.

Photo taken by JoyD at Ste. Foy La Grande Saturday market, Gironde, July, 2015.

Photo taken by JoyD at
Ste. Foy La Grande Saturday
market, Gironde, July, 2015.

Photo taken by JoyD at the Perigieux Market, Dordogne, sometime in the past.

Made in Madagascar Shopping Bag. Photo by JoyD, August, 2015.
Purchased in La Périgourdine, Pineuilh, Gironde, France.
Nice & New: I was pleased to find a bag made in Madagascar at the local La Périgourdine, a regional co-operative. It was just under 10 Euro, about half what you would have to pay at the summer market. Bags of this nature are used in the grocery stores as well as in the open air markets to cart your food purchases.

The blue and yellow bag I found was produced by a small independent group of producers under the title of "Lekelygasy". The distributor in France can be contacted by email at The Madagascar contact information is I couldn't find out much about them online because my search words kept on defaulting to "likely gay". Sometimes the anticipated default is not exactly what one might be actually looking for. Nonetheless, I believe that this type of organization is worth my support.

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